Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 33

volume Number : 9
number In Volume : 3
issue Number : 33

volume Number 9، number In Volume 3، ، issue Number 33

Content analysis on poems of Hussein Monzavi relying on his religious poems

reza Bayat(Author in Charge)

Hussein Monzavi was known in the lyrics in his lifetime, but after his death, a considerable amount of his religious poetry was published. It is seen many social poems in his works that are usually ignored in studying of his poetry. In general, there are different and conflicting content in his poetry about love, social issues and religion. In this article, according to content analysis, His poems have been measured in terms of quality and quantity and the reason of dichotomy in the romantic, social poems and religious has been studied on the basis of poetic and lingual signs. Also at the end, according to the results of the preceding sections, we tried to discover discourse of Monzavi. The main concern of the poet is "ego" and selfishness is main content of his discourse.

Hussein Monzavi , content analysis , Romantic poetry , social poetry , religion poetry.